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Very short stories

26 Jan

This is my Interactive Storytelling class in the Digital Arts and Sciences building at Norman.

Awesome, right?

We’re learning a lot about, well, telling stories interactively.

Earnest Hemingway’s (and now my professor’s) CHALLENGE: can you write a six word story?

Hemingway’s was “For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Used.”

It’s amazing how telling six words can be.

Why “click and captured”?

19 Jan

To get to this page you clicked on a link, and now I’ve captured your attention…at least for a time.

Still have it.

Woa, you’re still captured.

See how easy it is? Don’t worry, I’m going somewhere with this.

This site will coincide with my 2011 Photo365 project of clicking and capturing one photo, one day at a time, for one year. I’ll also be writing about what I’m learning in the world of multimedia and online journalism and how to facilitate viewers’ clicked links and captured attentions.

I hope I’ve convinced you to come back and visit =)

hanging out in the new CMIR Lab in Weimer